Revelation In Space: Bible Data:

Credo Quia Absurdum Est [Latin] - I Believe It Because It Is Absurd

I think being an atheist is something you are, not something you do. . . . It's surprising to me how many of my friends send Christmas cards, or holiday cards, including my atheist and secular friends. - Christopher Hitchens

Oxford Dictionary definition of God:
1. In Christianity and other monotheistic religions, the creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being.
2. In certain other religions, a superhuman being or spirit worshiped as having power over nature or human fortunes; a deity; an image, idol, animal, or other object worshiped as divine or symbolizing a god; used as a conventional personification of fate.
3. An adored, admired, or influential person; a thing accorded the supreme importance appropriate to a god.
4. Informal: the gallery in a theater.

To an atheist, it may seem like you are living in someone's fantasy land which has control over your lives. The more you try to break free from it the more obvious is the hypocrisy and ridiculousness of those perpetuating the fantasy. Nothing seems real in the world around because it is permeated within a dreamlike pretense - the pretense prevents logic and reason and, in this state, you have no other choice than to carry on.

It isn't the position of a true Christian to appoint themselves in the name of God as moral police of the globe. It isn't even the position of a true Christian to convert the unwashed heathen. Atheists are misinformed by those apostate Christian hypocrites in support of a cruel bloodthirsty religion.

Theism brought about the inquisition and crusades among many other atrocities of mankind. Worldviews have been well established in opposition, but in fact, therein lies the problem. Through the misrepresentation of the Bible by apostate Christianity the atheist and otherwise skeptical of the Bible itself find themselves only having a slight advantage over the average believer when it comes to accurate knowledge of that Bible. The disdain they have for that body of work, however, has formulated into a sort of paradigm of its own which is every bit as difficult for accurate knowledge to penetrate as the beliefs, superstitions, and pagan influence of the uninformed theist.

Atheism is, in its most basic sense, the antithesis of theism. To be without gods. Saying that there is no proof of gods, or even that proof is necessary, is nonsensical. It demonstrates a lack of understanding of the word god. The only thing that makes a god a god is worship/veneration. It isn't that everything is a god, it's that anything can be a god. It's like love or hate. Anything can be loved or hated. That doesn't mean it can't be differentiated from anything else. Anything can be worshipped. Something becomes a god when, like the Oxford definition says, it is given supreme importance. Christians, Jews and Muslims are not the only theists.

A god doesn't have to literally exist to be a deity or a god. Like the example also given in the definition above. A personification of fate. Luck, for example, is a god. A theist doesn't have to believe their God literally exists. Its existence is not necessarily significant. Supreme importance is attributed to a concept which is employed in some sense, as with an idol, for social, political or economic benefit. A god doesn't have to be supernatural or a creator. More often than not a god doesn't fall into that category.

Using God with uppercase G only signifies the specific god above all others within a correlating context. God for example, in occidental culture may be Jehovah, but that doesn't necessarily mean God is always Jehovah in other cultures. The God of the Bible wasn't thought to be omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent or omnibenevolent; those theological concepts developed later.

The soul, to early Bible believers, was the life of any breathing creature. Not some part of us that is immortal. Spirit means invisible active force. Anything you can't see but you can see the results of. Breath, wind, compelled mental inclination, genetic, traditional, cultural, or social influences, Spirit beings are highly advanced people we can't see unless they reveal themselves to us. The Bible doesn't teach that all good people go to heaven, or all bad people go to hell. Hell, in the Bible, is the grave. God is there in a sense, because he watches over it. Everyone goes to hell. Jesus, for example, went to hell. Jesus isn't physically returning, he finished what he had to do the first time.

The goal isn't to convert the atheist to theist, the goal is to inform. To present accurate knowledge which the skeptic can test in order to make the choice to be either an informed atheist or informed theist. Unique in that sense, for sure in either case.

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